jQuery UI 1.7 Cheatsheet
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This article will show you how to order a server-side list of fruit from a database using drag and drop behavior and then save them back to the database in order.
I recently worked on a project which required an unordered list to be re-ordered and then saved. I wasn't about to make users enter numbers next to each item so I looked toward JQuery's UI library.
Objective: We will display a list of fruit. The user can then drag the fruit and click a button to save the new order in the database.
For this example, let's use a database table named fruit with the following fields: id, name, weight.
CREATE TABLE fruit ( id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, weight TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL ) TYPE = MYISAM ; INSERT INTO fruit (name, weight) VALUES ('apple', 1); INSERT INTO fruit (name, weight) VALUES ('pear', 2); INSERT INTO fruit (name, weight) VALUES ('orange', 3);
<ul id="fruit_list"> // query fruit table and print out each item $result = mysql_query("SELECT id, name, weight FROM fruit ORDER BY weight"); // print the list items while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {- \n";
echo "
- "
. $row['name'] ." }
<form method="POST" action=""> <ul id="fruit_list"> // query fruit table and print out each item $result = mysql_query("SELECT id, name, weight FROM fruit ORDER BY weight"); // print the list items while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo '
. $row['id'] .'" />- ';
'. $row['name'] .' }
// make your db connection up here ... $link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'user', 'pass'); $db = mysql_select_db('dbname', $link); // handle POST if ($_POST) { // use $i to increment the weight $i=1; // loop through post array in the order it was submitted foreach ($_POST['fruit'] as $fruit_id) { // update the row $result = mysql_query("UPDATE fruit SET weight=". $i . " WHERE id=". mysql_real_escape_string($fruit_id)); // increment weight to make the next fruit heavier $i++; } } ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.2.6.js">script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-ui-1.5.1.min.js">script> <script type="text/javascript"> // when the entire document has loaded, run the code inside this function $(document).ready(function(){ // Wow! .. One line of code to make the unordered list drag/sortable! $('#fruit_list').sortable(); }); <form method="POST" action=""> <ul id="fruit_list"> // query fruit table and print out each item $result = mysql_query("SELECT id, name, weight FROM fruit ORDER BY weight"); // print the list items while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo '
. $row['id'] .'" />- ';
'. $row['name'] .' }
<input type="submit" name="reorder" value="Re-Order Fruit" />
Pastebin.com süper bir uygulama diyebiliriz. :)
Php , python , vb tüm dilleri hemen hemen destekleyen servistir. Php kodlarınızın kolaylığı için renklendirme yapar , daha iyi anlaşılır.
Kolay Kullanım
Kolay bir kullanımı var mesela örnek : http://pastebin.com/m7a7fba95 burada PHP seçtim ve php kodumu yazdım .
Renklendirmeyle kodum daha iyi anlaşılıyor ve orda sürekli kalıyor lazım ettiğinde direk kullanabilirim .
Kısaltılmış URL Kullaranarak DAHA İyi bir hale getirmişler :)
hade sizde kodlarınızı böyle saklayabilir daha iyi anlaşılması için pastebin.com'u kullana bilirsiniz..
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